Tuesday, February 21, 2012

So Long Teenage Years!

So today I turned 20. And when I started thinking about things I realized that this past year has BY FAR been my favorite year of my life. This time last year I was in the middle of a 17 credit semester at a community college which I originally fought going to, juggling two jobs, and feeling completely lost with what I wanted to do with my life. At that time I was thinking maybe I could go into Hotel and Resort Management. The school of my choice would be Oklahoma State as they have an incredible program. So my next hurdle was how in the world do I afford such a school. I pay for my own college so how was I going to swing a $23,000 per year school. I began to realize I might have to take out a bunch of loans and even though I was stretching myself as far as I could, it wasn't going to be good enough. It literally felt as though the years of high school working so hard for my 3.76 GPA while taking advanced and college courses was all just a waste. As though working and saving from the age of 15 wasn't good enough. Not going to my first choice in schools because it also had a big price tag. Taking classes in the summer and then two 17 credit semesters all to complete an associates degree in one year out of high school instead of two was just not enough. 
But then my wonderful aunt and her friend suggested that I apply for the Disney College Program. And I did. At first I didn't think I would even get past the first stage. But I did. And then I thought there was no way I would actually get in. But I DID. So I finished up my semester of schooling and then I packed up my two jumbo suitcases and moved to Florida for seven months. And in that time I met the most amazing people, lived and worked in the happiest place on earth, had THE BEST job, and fell in love. And when my college program ended in January, I came back to Iowa for a few weeks and then went to England to visit my boyfriend. So this past year has been without a doubt, the most fabulous, crazy thing I've ever done! And so I say bring it on 20! You've got a lot to live up to if you think you're even going to match this past year. But the best part of what I've learned from this previous year is that I can do so much more than I thought! I can survive on my own, I can be the person I want to be, I can push myself, and I can love. Cheers to keeping that momentum and pushing even further. :)

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